Tag Archives: Food

Hungry for Change

Good Lord, y’all.

I’m really loving this whole podcast-thing that I’m creating now. And if you haven’t checked out Better Health 101 yet, what are you waiting for? Now that I’m starting to get a knack for it, the show almost sounds legit. I’ve obviously got lots of room for continued growth, but from where I was at the start of February to where I am now, it’s a night and day difference.

While I’d love it if most of you guys that subscribe to the blog would take a few minutes and subscribe to the podcast as well (easiest way is on your phone–iTunes for you iPhone folks and Stitcher if you use an Android), the point of this post isn’t to continue to pimp my podcast.


The show that I’m working on for Saturday is going to be a look at the documentary film Hungry for Change. And let me just go on record here–this film is incredible! If you have Netflix, you seriously need to watch it. The way they break down a lot of the science behind food, why we crave certain things, and how to successfully lose weight long term is pretty eye opening. I’m slightly afraid that playing a few clips in the podcast won’t be doing the film justice, because cutting anything out means losing some valuable information.

This post is short today. Watch the movie. Cue it up, sit back, and enjoy. You’re welcome.

And if you want a little teaser/preview of the doc before you commit 90 minutes to it, make sure to check out Better Health 101 on Saturday.

Ok, that was just a shameless plug.


Filed under Lifestlye, Nutrition

Not a Mega Millionaire? Hit the Weight Loss Jackpot Instead


Image by Robert S. Donovan via Flickr

The record jackpot in the Mega Millions drawing yesterday got news coverage from almost every media outlet in the country. In case you’re hiding under a rock somewhere, you’re likely aware that the $636 million dollar jackpot was split between two winners.

I don’t know how many million people bought tickets yesterday, but I’m sure they all had pretty much the same dream–instant, life changing riches.

And 99.99% of them were disappointed.

Fad Diets, Anyone?

The same thing happens in the health and wellness industry every day. People are always looking for the quick solution to lose weight, get skinny, and feel better. They’re willing to pop pills, buy prepackaged meals/meal replacements, have surgery, starve themselves, or anything else that promises rapid weight loss that lasts.

And just like the Mega Millions, the odds of success aren’t very good.

The percentage of people that lose lots of weight on any of these “plans” is small.

The number that keep the weight off long term is even smaller.

Why? Because when you drop lots of weight in a short period of time, you tend to not learn many of the lessons that you need to learn in order to prevent the weight from creeping back up again.

I know a lot of people that have lost lots of weight and then think they can go back to living their normal lives again. Most end up finding all of that weight that they lost, and some find even more.

The Solution

There is no good trick for losing lots of weight quickly, and then easily keeping it off for good. I think people really need to wrestle with weight loss, in order to learn what they have to do on a daily basis to remain successful.

And popping a pill isn’t the answer.

By learning how to prepare and enjoy healthier foods, incorporate regular physical activity, limit temptations at home, and recognize that there will be struggles, people that work hard for their weight loss and health improvements are the ones that will see results that last, instead of those that are fleeting.

Start Working Today

So instead of trying a gimmick to lose weight in 2014, put your faith in hard work. Start moving more and getting more sleep at night. Work on cutting out fast food in favor of fresh, healthy food. You don’t have to be perfect all of the time, but every improved choice will pay off exponentially in the end.

And unlike all those people that played Mega Millions last night, you control your odds of success. The odds are in your favor if you don’t give up.

So don’t.

Have you tried a diet gimmick before? How were the results?


Filed under Lifestlye

Keep the Weight Off this Holiday Season

If there is one constant in the month of December, it is holiday parties.

Work parties, family parties, neighborhood parties, ugly-sweater parties, church parties–am I missing any? If your calendar looks anything like mine, you’re going to be celebrating Christmas/New Year’s every weekend between now and the middle of January. And some weekends, I’ll be celebrating multiple times.

While spending time with friends and family this time of year is awesome, Christmas parties typically mean one thing–there will be food!

There’s the finger food that you just keep snacking on every time you walk by the table.

And then there’s the cookies.


Image by rochelle hartman via Flickr.

There are the sugar cookies in shapes of stockings, trees, and ornaments. There are the peanut butter gimmicks with the Hershey’s kiss pressed in the middle. There’s the buckeyes and the candy cane cookies. Gingerbread-men and the crushed corn flake wreathes with the green food coloring and red cinnamon things resembling a bow.

And you have to try at least one of each kind. Or is that just me?

With all of these parties and all of the food, how can anyone really hope to make it to January without gaining any weight?

You can’t do it by accident. But with a little thought and the framework of a plan, you can prevent (or at least minimize) the holiday weight gain that instigates so many New Year’s Resolutions.

Tips for Preventing Holiday Weight Gain

  • Pre-Eat–This may sound contradictory, but eating BEFORE heading out to a party is actually a great way to keep from overeating. If you aren’t feeling hungry when you get to the party, you’ll sample a few things and be content.
  • Workout Challenge–There are 20 days left in December. Challenge yourself to complete a certain amount/time/distance of exercise for the rest of the month. Set a goal to exercise for 20 hours for the rest of the month. Challenge yourself to running/walking 50 miles. I have a friend that has a goal of rowing 100,000 meters during the month of December. If she manages to do that, she can more than afford to eat a few cookies.
  • Skip the Normal Snacks–Potato chips, chex mix, chicken wings, crackers with cheese. What do all of these things have in common? The have nothing to do with the holidays yet seem to be a staple at many holiday parties. We end up eating these things that are less than healthy, and we can eat them any time of the year. Why not skip these “everyday” foods, and instead eat some of the holiday treats that are only really available in December?
  • Don’t Drink Too Many Calories–Stop me when this sounds familiar. Saturday you’re hitting the mall to do some shopping, getting home in the afternoon to shower and change before heading to one or two parties that night. Translation–Starbucks in the morning, Coke at the mall, margarita (or two) for lunch, Gatorade when you get home, and egg nog/wine/beer at the party. That easily adds up to over 1,000 calories you drank for the day. I’m fine with the egg nog or wine, but opt for black coffee and water during the day and you’ll knock hundreds of calories off of your total for the day.
  • Be Aware–Perhaps the best way to keep from gaining weight over the holiday is just to be aware of the fact that it’s really easy to gain weight over the holidays. By being consciously aware of this fact, you are actually more likely to limit your calorie consumption and increase your physical activity on a regular basis. And really, being mindful of your intake and intentional in your exertion gives you the best chance to beat the bulge for the remainder of 2013.

Enjoy yourself at the parties you’ll be attending this year. Laugh, catch up with old friends, and have fun.

But be smart.

If you can keep from gaining weight these last 3 weeks of 2013, you’ll be setting yourself up for a happy and healthy 2014!

What is Your Favorite Trick for Avoiding the Holiday Weight Gain?

What Cookie Can You Not Say No To?


Filed under Lifestlye