Tag Archives: Recipe

Tomato Heaven

If your garden did better than mine did this year, you may have more tomatoes right now than you know what to do with. I picked some up at the farmers market last weekend, and am now obsessed with my new way of eating them.

Best part about this “recipe” is that it takes all of a minute to be ready.

Other best part, it’s super healthy. Enjoy.

1. Medium to large tomato (or a couple handfuls of cherry or grape tomatoes)
2. Olive oil
3. Cheese
4. Salt/Pepper

Just chunk the tomato and put the pieces in a bowl.
Drizzle a little olive oil over the tomato pieces.
Add salt and pepper if you want.
Top it all off with a sprinkle of your favorite cheese. My personal favorites are gorgonzola and crumbled blue cheese. Feta would be good too. If you like milder cheese, try some fresh mozzarella.

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Easy Breakfast

If you’ve never heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, where have you been hiding? Breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. Yet, for some reason, many people don’t regularly eat a good breakfast. According to the International Food Information Council more than half of Americans routinely skip breakfast! So why do so many people skip this vitally important meal?

So what is a good, healthy, and quick breakfast you can have during the week before work? If you like eggs, give this a shot. It takes about 12 minutes start to finish, and you can totally eat it in the car if you need to.

I know, because I had this today on my way to work.

Take a frying pan and splash a little olive oil into it. Sauté some garlic and mushrooms while browning some ground sausage. If you’re so inclined, feel free to add any other veggies as well, ie peppers, onions, tomatoes, zukes, etc. When the sausage is ready, drain off any excess grease and add a couple of beaten eggs. As the eggs cook, stir the mixture a little bit so eggs cook through and sausage and veggies all mix with the eggs. When the eggs are cooked, top with some cheese of your choice (gorgonzola is sublime) and serve.

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